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26 - 50 of 465 results for "Who We Are"
Minimum Files for PAC Display Runtime-only
Forum - Published:
Greetings OptoFans & PAC Display gurus, For those of you supporting your customers who need PAC Display Runtime (but do NOT need to be changing the project or strategy w/PAC Display Config or PAC Control...more
Groov test with pac R1
Forum - Published:
Hello everyone, I am trying groov, it is very convenient to build a HMI. However, is there a way to know who is connected to the groov, who operated on the device, to form a record of operation? The...more
Why do we have to RECHECK the box?
Forum - Published:
Dear Opto Programmers, Why oh why do you make us re-check the check box in PAC Display Config v 10 every time we make a change to one of the parameters in the Dynamic Attributes? You didn’t used to make...more
Zoom and History on a Trend
Forum - Published:
I’m setting up an interactive trend in Groov and two of the features I need are the Zoom buttons and the history line along the bottom. I took a screenshot of one of the trends in the Groov demo (see...more
Trend Axis config: Custom vs. Axis vs... Fixed?
Forum - Published:
When I’ve configured groov Trends in the past, I’ve used “Custom” e.g. min/max range of 0 to 2 when I wanted my axis to be fixed, e.g. when I wanted to display a value of 0 or 1 and I always saw just a 0...more
Send Groov user name to PAC Control
Forum - Published:
System: Groov Epic 1.1.0-b47 Software: PAC Control 10.2 Basic I have an application which will have multiple work stations which are each user restricted, but may have different users accessing the...more
I/O Screw size?
Forum - Published:
What is the screw size of the snap-pac I/O modules? A whole bunch were never installed and subsequently lost…...
Groov negative number formatting
Forum - Published:
If the format contains formatting before the # sign, when the value is negative the sign is place before the formatting. So a format of “ABC ##” is rendered as “-ABC 12” Also, when a float value is...more
Asynchronous communication
Forum - Published:
Our current implementation uses the OPTO22 provided .dll for our control software (Running in Windows) communication with our SNAP-PAC2S2 and indirectly, the EB2’s. However, when a process requires an...more
Winners selected!
Forum - Published:
Drum roll please, our first and second place prizes go to: 1st Place (iPAD) – Nick Stephens 2nd Place (Kindle Fire) – Carl Wadsworth All others who submitted code will receive your choice of [hat or...more
Request add SVG image
Forum - Published:
To Opto22 SVG Designer, If approved, could you add a set of SVG images of different parts of a whole pie. This is to show visually percentage progress of something. Thank you....
Sensors that can tap into (so we can monitor and/or manipulate) badge access to one of our more sophisticated machine shop devices, like a laser cutter
Forum - Published:
We’re starting our Industry 4.0 transformation with the groov RIO (& eventually EPIC) product line. We’re looking for sensors that can tap into (so we can monitor and/or manipulate) badge access to one...more
Any recommendations for LED scrolling signs?
Forum - Published:
Hi OptoFans, Do any of you have an LED scrolling sign (or similar) you like and perhaps have programmed via a PAC? We’ve done a few different variations on that them around here. For example, in Ben’s...more
TIP - Use fastcsv over csv. Major performance issues otherwise
Forum - Published:
I needed to log data, then query it from the database, and generate a CSV file. This is all using sqlite. To make it easier for my user, I generate the csv once a minute, then use http output function...more
Problems of groov server for windows (r4.0c)
Forum - Published:
This is the normal interface. PC is the same (i5, Windows 7, 32-bit, 4G memory) 微信图片_202007021132262016×1512 1.97 MB After running for more than 10 hours, the problem is this interface 微信图片...more
CAN2B Serial Module?
Forum - Published:
The readme for the latest PAC Project refers to 2 new serial modules, including a CAN2B module. I’ve been needing a CANbus solution for a while, so I’m eager to get the details on this product. Since...more
Zwave integration
Forum - Published:
It would be cool for some sort of zwave support. I personally find things like SmartThings neat, but severely limited. I would rather read and control a zwave system with something I know and use, PAC Project. I’m just dumping ideas out there. ...
A minor question
Forum - Published:
A minor question My client asked me. Why is it called “Groov”? What’s special about it?...
Export SVG Image from the Symbol Factory to Groov
Forum - Published:
I found some nice graphics in the PAC Display Symbol Factory. However, when I export them to a .svg file and try to add them to Groov, there is a file but it’s not an image. I watched the video on...more
FactoryFloor R4.1A install on Windows 7 Professional
Forum - Published:
Is there an update for FactoryFloor R4.1A to work on Windows 7 Professional? I am having problems communicating with the controller, error’s relating to WinRT not started (which is in Windows up to XP...more
Door Lock that Connects to Opto?
Forum - Published:
Anybody know a good external door lock that can be read by Opto (or NodeRED)? I’m not necessarily looking for a smart lock with a keypad, but just a deadbolt whose state could be read electronically? I...more
Switching 10+ amp 120VAC loads - what am I missing?
Forum - Published:
Hello, My PAC/PLC experience is incredibly limited to one machine we have at work. I’m a geek though and have wanted to use a PAC system in my home shop to control all sorts of things: exterior lights,...more
Serving web pages direct from a PAC Controller - old forum post
Forum - Published:
stev-io Joined on 05-18-2007 Posts 2 Web pages and Opto I have been looking around to see how I can display Opto data on a web page. There are a few tools/programs around, but they usually require a...more
INF, -nan, -qnan, #QNAN, -1.#QNAN
Forum - Published:
Hi All, For those of you monitoring analog inputs, do you do any “sanity checking” on your value before displaying it (or using it in Node-RED)? Please do. A couple reasons why: the way we represent...more